
Blue Nirvana

I don’t know who in a straight mind would 

Trust a child to their own death.

Licking 9 volts. Tibetan cigarettes. 

Chinese spelling bees on mute in dreams and 

Dreaming of splitting the borders of better personality disorders.

Who would throw a baby into a baby’s arms

And say this is your end, no choice but to

protect it until. Still with amniotic fluid on my skin

I drank in death from day one, just like we all do.

Vicious, last victor, and together since.

When I go you come out, and speaking of

Departures, here’s one verse versus verses

To feast on ignition and flame

Din ashen and, I swear, someone put in gasoline.

Tidal static's been blunter, when we fold back at five

What we got at four and the morning turns to day

Which is when your wounds lick a mirror like lions

Telling a story about how one time you 

Saw an artist crying on a people mover

At the airport; turned against the idea of flight;

Turned against the entire concept while blanketed in bees 

Speaker mount feedback squealing across continental

Plates and tectonics, in odd economics

Antifreeze street running sacrament veins

Here you shout again, saying things like 

Your only refuge is a room in hell and 

There's no such thing as outside

A blue nirvana dressing gown

Have you heard the things they say from graves

Like why aren’t you here anymore?

In a mad ritual, where the god of desire sticks into 

Your thigh and the next morning, standing in the

Shadow of water you wonder when did I fall

Into a cactus?, god of madness can't

Respond when you pull a splinter from your leg

And a half dozen drops of wine mix with the shower

To enter the drain. Why do we bless the dead

But call them fools for failing while we go

Bouncing off clouds? There are always nine

Ways out. Count the exits. Jump without a chute

Eat life raw, no seasonal dew that pumps

Rain down onto the dirty old fools;

Did anyone say we deserve better than this?

Does anyone know how we get out of here?

You know what I say? you said, to be born dead

Is best. Live and let death play against your insides

Sage advice. When I was a kid, you’re convinced, I jumped

Off the roof in my sleep, somnambulist see;

Climbed across the tops of swing sets but

Was awake for that ornamenting no-body knows

What happens to adornments. Take em out

Screaming into the woods so they can finally be home

I tell ya, god bless a clear and present end

Release of art; and release of sex you asked

What would you prefer? a simpler primate

With simpler fears? Dear Jesus, yes.

Death hit me. At that last altar. Felt like a kiss. 

Might as well if

Your only refuge is a room in hell and

there's no such thing as outside

A blue nirvana dressing gown

Come out to whisper or howl

Come out for one night to live

If tomorrow there’s breath on the mirror

aaron moncivaizpoem